



混凝土搅拌机是搅拌水泥的机械, 将砂骨料和水混合成混凝土混合物. 主要由搅拌筒组成, 上下料机构, 供水系统, 原动机, 传动机构, 框架及支撑装置.

How to mix sand and cement

In order to ensure the mixing quality of concrete, it is required to stir the concrete mixture evenly, the mixing time is short, the discharging is fast, the residual amount is small, the energy consumption is low and the pollution is low.

cement and sand mix
mortar mixer

Main factors affecting the mixing quality of concrete mixer

1.the structure of the mixer, the ratio of the feeding capacity of the mixer to the geometric volume of the mixing drum;

2.the feeding procedure and feeding position of the mixing material;

3.the geometric angle of the mixing blade arrangement and arrangement;

4.the stirring speed and the wear condition of the blade liner.

2018-11-30T11:06:47+08:00 11 月 30th, 2018|混凝土搅拌机|