


干粉砂浆设备可生产保温砂浆, 抗裂砂浆, 粘结砂浆, 抹灰砂浆, 砌筑砂浆, 抹灰砂浆, 调整原料比例的防水砂浆和聚苯乙烯颗粒砂浆. 干粉砂浆设备的组成主要由储料罐组成, 双轴 [...]

2018-12-13T16:48:06+08:00 12 月 13th, 2018|干粉砂浆搅拌站|


Two-stage arrangement of the dry mortar production line The raw material storage silo is moved from top of mixer to the ground.Raw material storage silo placed next to the main building of mixer. The materials in the silo is translated by screw conveyor to weighing hopper which is on the ground. Then [...]

2017-07-03T17:26:16+08:00 7 月 3RD, 2017|砂浆搅拌机|