


gunite machines


开始之前, 首先连接通风, 水和电, 打开进气阀,逐渐达到额定压力, 然后启动电机空载运转,确认一切正常后方可开始运转; 喷嘴前严禁进站, the operator should always Standing inside the sprayed concrete support surface.

Coagulation Gunnite Machine Operation Safety Technology:

1.The jetting machine should be dry-spraying. The mixing source should be in accordance with the specifications specified in the factory manual. Power supply, water source, feeding equipment, ETC. should be matched.

2.The pipe should be installed correctly and the joint should be tightly sealed. When the pipeline passes through the road, it should be placed in the ground trough and covered and protected.

3.The inside of the sprayer should be kept dry and clean. The dry mix ratio and the run-through procedure should be consistent with the sprayer performance.
Agglomerated cement and unscreened sand and gravel shall not be used.

shotcrete equipment
2018-10-31T14:09:13+08:00 10 月 31英石, 2018|喷射机|