


Two-stage arrangement of the dry mortar production line The raw material storage silo is moved from top of mixer to the ground.Raw material storage silo placed next to the main building of mixer. The materials in the silo is translated by screw conveyor to weighing hopper which is on the ground. Then [...]

2017-07-03T17:26:16+08:00 7 月 3RD, 2017|砂浆搅拌机|


模型: 斗式提升机. 原料仓(20吨-500吨). 螺旋输送机. 除尘器. 预混料仓 气动黄油飞 双轴无重力搅拌机(2立方米-6立方米) 成品仓. 阀门包装机(单月或双月). 空气压缩机. 钢结构. Automatic control cabine Process layout of the tower mortar production line is to put the storage materials [...]

2017-07-03T17:20:32+08:00 7 月 3RD, 2017|砂浆搅拌机|