Concrete Dry-mix Shotcrete Machine 2018-05-28Т11:51:50+08:00

Описание Проекта

Concrete Dry-mix Shotcrete Machine (Air Motor )









shotcrete machine for sale in jeddah
машина для распыления бетона

5 причины выбора нашей продукции

  • Dry mix or wet concrete spryaing machine;
  • 3 КУБ/Ч,5 КУБ/Ч,9 КУБ/Ч,10-30 КУБ/Ч ;
  • Водить машину: Электрический, дизель, пневматический ;
  • General or anti-explosion;
  • Different wheels;

Горячее напыление бетона (опционально):

  • Dry and wet mix shotcrete machine
  • Dry mix shotcrete , Мокрая смесь торкрет-бетона
  • Concrete Spraying Convey pump
Модель OPZ-3 OPZ-5 OPZ-9
Выход 3/h 5.5м3/h 3/h
Max.conv.dist 200 м 200 м 150 м
Water cement ratio <0.4 <0.4 <0.35
Max.Aggregate.size 10 мм 15 мм 20 мм
Внутренний размер шланга φ42/50 mm φ50 mm φ64 mm
Рабочее давление воздуха 0.2-0.6 МПа 0.2-0.6 МПа 0.2-0.6 МПа
Расход воздуха 13-14м3/мин 15-16м3/мин 17-18м3/мин
Motor power 3 кВт(4hp) 5.5 кВт(7.5hp) 7.5 кВт(10hp)
Измерение 1130x1020x540mm 1350x1020x750mm 1500x1320x830mm
Масса 520кг 780кг 980кг
Basic chassis ①.Tyre ②.Skid ③.Rail-wheel
Driving Type Diesel engine drive


















Introduction Of Dry Concrete Dry-mix Shotcrete Machine Air Motor

Air Motor Dry-mix Shotcrete Machine can be used thanks to its compact design and mobility where space is at a premium e.g. in mines and galleries. Other potential applications are slope and hillside protection, lining of water tanks and swimming pools, guniting for single and double shell tunnel construction, backfilling of tubing. Dry Concrete shotcrete is available in the electric, air or diesel.

Air Motor Dry-mix Shotcrete Machine
1.Shotcrete/concrete spraying/gunite for tunnels,hydro-power engineering,mines,underground project,civil engineering and slope stabilization,и т. д..
2.Artificial soil seeding for no soil surface,such as roch,sand.
Машины для торкретирования Деталь:
Стальная футеровка для машинного торкретирования,торкрет-бетон под уплотняющую пластину,верхняя уплотнительная пластина из торкрет-бетона,ротор,сверхкамера,коническая втулка,резиновый локоть,шланг для подачи торкретбетона,торкрет-сопло,быстрое соединение,соединение,босс сопла,завихритель,коробки передач,распределитель,шина

Features of Air Motor Dry-mix Shotcrete Machine

1:Non-adhesion going through rotor with new material chamber, completely eliminate bonding and blocking during operation so as to reduce clearance and maintenance period;
2:Four-point clamping device make it easy to adjust the press between sealing plate and rotor disk so as to no air and dust leak and prolong consumption parts life;
3:Low pressure and low speed wortex air transport;
4:Well compact and seal, small dust, durable rubber plate;
5:Apply to steel fiber or chemical fiber concrete spraying.

Applications Of Dry Concrete mix Shotcrete Machine

1.Shotcrete/concrete spraying/gunite for tunnels,hydro-power engineering,mines,underground project,civil engineering and slope stabilization,и т. д..
2.Artificial soil seeding for no soil surface,such as roch,sand, and for no fertility soil surface.
3.Refractory spraying and repair for industrial kilns or kilns’s inner liner.
The power system is consisted by technical diesel engine or electrical engine. It can drive the pumping system directely which samplized the linkage structure and improved the efficiency. Strong power system reduced the rate of occuring faults;
The main hydraulic pump and valve group of hydraulic system is adopted Gemany Rexroth open-style system with accurate and reliable exchanging;
The elements of electrical controlling system is adopted Japan and Gemany’s original parts.The excellent assembly quality fully guaranteed the function of electrical controlling system;
The special design of hopper and vane reduces the space of mixing blind angle thus makes the machine suitable for many kinds of concrete;
The Intelligentize & hommization design,easy to care and operate;
The specific configuration can be changed according to client’s situation.

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